Table Tennis Rubber: Der Materialist Power Pipes
POWER PIPES is a new offensive semi-long pimple with extremely high catapult values and very high interference.
POWER PIPES offers unprecedented opportunities in offensive counterattack and block play and produces an unpredictable flat ball trajectory and sensational flight curves.
In addition, you play with ease unpleasant Pseudotopspins and piercing blows.
In the passive block and counterplay is also achieved in all strokes a very flat ball jump and a pronounced disruptive effect.
The combination of a new power sponge and the non-corrugated knob surface allows sensational control values.
More product details
Speed: 105
Control: 90
Spin: 84
Suitability: Allround / Offensive
Decking: Short pimples
Sponge Hardness: Medium