
Table Tennis Rubber: Sunflex Rubber Splinter

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Sunflex Rubber Splinter: the perfect weapon for short pimple play at the table.


With  SplinterSunflex launches its first short-pimple rubber. The development team from Hong Kong was given a clear target: a short pimple should be developed for the European market, which combines the best of both worlds – pimples inside and pimples outside.

The Splinter comes with a compact blue sponge that is relatively hard and has a built in tensor effect. This modern sponge was combined with short, slightly ribbed pimples.
The rubber is available in sponge thicknesses of 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm and max.

The developers from Hong Kong have succeeded in developing a short pimple that is quite similar to inverted rubbers, which allows for a very varied game. In offensive play, the Splinter convinces, especially in the thick sponge versions, with a high basic speed and high power. Opening topspin’s can be played as well as hard blocks and shots.

In the thinner sponge versions, the rubber can also be used perfectly for a safety-oriented block and counter game close to the table.  The disruptive effect of the Splinter convinces above all with the change of effect. If you go a bit over the ball you can achieve considerable spin values, if you press the ball down a bit when blocking, the slight disruptive effect is enough to completely throw the opponent out of his rhythm.

Especially in the thinner sponge versions, the Splinter can also be optimally used by beginners, as the rubber is very forgiving.

Splinter: the perfect weapon for short pimple play at the table.

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