Table Tennis Rubber: Gewo Nexxus EL Pro 43
Long-term test series with the strictest geometric and playful tolerance specifications for different framework conditions were at the beginning: fine tuning on a new level was the result. Our mission is to deliver pads that are machined with maximum precision for the demands of the modern game. So, if you stick a GEWO Nexxus Pro with one of the most advanced technologies (nexxTT, NEP, Maxximum.Power.Play.) On the racket, you know you’re playing the best.
The latest physical developments (eg in balls) and the experience of a long-term development and test series all over the world (with many top and junior GEWO players as well as trainers from various fields of application) had only one goal: the development of a “nexxTT Generation” series of pads , Now it can be said: Mission accomplished!
Nice game. Everything fits.
The GEWO Nexxus EL Pro 43 provides the optimum synthesis of highest surface grip (DGC40 + 2.0) and the necessary power for the modern spin-offensive game. He is the tempo-elastic center of the GEWO Nexxus EL Pro series and shows his strengths, especially in the varied, spin-offensive game. The advantages: a safe, first opening ball, maximum ball feedback due to the soft touch in both offensive and passive play. Especially in the serve / backlash game get your actions thanks to the spin-happy nexxTT surface very much spin and spin.
Player Type / Properties:
, High flight curve, significantly lower error rate in border areas and with its 43 ° medium hard spin-offensively oriented EL sponge a true all-rounder in the Nexxus Pro series.
, Ideal for modern offensive players who prefer the spin-oriented, elastic and varied game.
, For players who are not looking for the maximum end speed, but above all about exact ball placement and cut variations to the point profit to come.
nexxTT / NEP (Nano.Elastic.Plus) / Maxximum.Power.Play.
Constant product adaptations, eg the introduction of the new ABS balls, also require the pads to be adapted to these trends. The latest generation balls generate less rotation and speed. There are two ways to compensate for this loss of rotation and speed: technology or material adaptation. GEWO has set itself the goal of supporting these physically necessary adaptations with innovative solutions: a thin, extremely grippy surface (nexxTT), which compensates for the speed and rotation loss of the balls due to its momentum and maximum stress (NEP). As well as a medium – pored, dynamic sponge, depending on the performance (XT -> speed, EL -> spin) and strength just in the maXXimalen thickness (2.2mm / 2.3 mm = Maxximum.Power.Play.
DGC40 + 2.0
One of the success formulas of the successful launch of GEWO HYPE EL / XT / KR was the newly developed DGC40 + surface technology. This stands for a consistent, reliable coupling at the ball meeting point and prevents with the handy surface structure a “slipping” of the ball. With the introduction of the latest ball generations (eg GEWO Select Pro 40+ ***), further development and adaptation of the surfaces is essential: The result is the DGC40 + “Dynamic-Grip-Concept” 2.0. The surface was developed and refined especially for the requirements of the latest ball generations. There is no standstill!
Specially designed for GEWO, the flexible sponge / rubber construction FLEX-TECH (XT) ensures an impressive ground speed. Belts from the XT series convert the speed of the opposing topspin, also with the help of the DGC40 + 2.0 surface, into self-energy and release them catapult-like when leaving the club again. The knobbed heads in the padding are further apart and minimally narrower than with EL pads. The focus of these pads is on speed.
Elastic Rubber
The El sponge (Elastic Rubber) ensures despite its compactness for an impressive feedback in the ball meeting point and for a unique feeling. All pads of this series are spin-oriented. The knobbed heads in the padding are arranged closer together and slightly thicker than with XT pads. The DGC40 + 2.0 surface unfolds its full strength here (high reliable coupling and maximum spin), as it provides a minimally larger contact surface at the ball hitting point. Pure fun!
Control: 96
Spin: 128
Suitability: Attacking
Covering type: pimples inside
Sponge Hardness: Medium
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